Recreational Trails Aids (RTA) Program
This is a federal program administered in all states. Municipal governments and incorporated organizations are eligible to receive reimbursement for development and maintenance of recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail uses. Eligible sponsors may be reimbursed for up to 50 percent of eligible project costs. Funds from this program may be used in conjunction with funds from the state snowmobile or ATV grant programs and Knowles-Nelson Stewardship development projects.
Eligible applicants
Municipal governments and incorporated organizations whose primary purpose is trails or trail usage can apply for this funding.
Eligible projects
Maintenance or restoration of existing trails
Development or rehabilitation of trailside/trailhead facilities and trail linkages
Construction of new trails
Property acquisition for trails
Applications are typically due on May 1 each year.
Contact information
For assistance with RTA grants, contact:
Diane Conklin
Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 397
1341 2nd Avenue
Cumberland WI 54829