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2016 WHC Championship Challenge Open Show Awards Program Winners Announced!

This was the first year for the newly revised WHC Championship Challenge Open Show Awards Program format. We had 15 competitors sign up for the new points program in 2016.

The WHC Championship Challenge Committee attempted to design a program that would be more inclusive of all open show competitors. It was also hoped that it would benefit more competitors and encourage more horse/rider combos to sign up and participate. Please help us get the word out so that we can get this program out to more individuals in 2017.

Please click on the link below to view all of the 2016 winners and help us congratulate them all for their hard work and time invested in the program!


Listing of WHC Championship Challenge 2016 Winners - (PDF)



Here is what Linda Nelson and her horse Lucky had to say about the awards that they won during the 2016 WHC Championship Challenge Open Show Award Program season:

"Hello! I was able to pick up my awards from Rachel at the West 20 Show yesterday. She was so thoughtful to suggest it.

I just wanted to say a big "THANK YOU" from Lucky and I. Those awards are the absolute nicest awards I have seen in my 16 years of showing horses. And the participation medal is a very nice, classy award.

I do realize that my division was small (me); but I am doing my darndest to get more people to enter. I posted a picture of my awards on Facebook, not to brag (because I'm not that type), but to show others what they could be competing for. The more people, the better!

Thank you again. I am honored."

Linda Nelson


Brianna Imlah with Ranger and their awards from
the 2016 Program.

Alexis Daugird with Red Hot And Soxy and their
awards from the 2016 Program.

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