WHC Sponsorship Program

NEW Information & Application for the Wisconsin Horse Council Sponsorship Program!

Grant applications MUST BE POSTMARKED BY February 28 or September 30.
An organization may receive only one sponsorship per calendar year.

WHC Sponsorship Program Guidelines (PDF)

WHC Sponsorship Application (PDF)




The Sponsorship Committee of Wisconsin Horse Council (WHC) looks for ways to promote the use and enjoyment of horses and ideas to educate horse people and the public at large - particularly youth. We welcome ideas for activities that allow people to interact with equines of all kinds. Maximum amount that could be approved for any one project or event is $5,000. For requests more than $5,000, the application has to go to our Board of Directors through the WHC President.


  • 1. Organizations applying for a WHC Sponsorship MUST BE A CURRENT MEMBER OF WHC.
  • 2. Be sure to include an estimated budget for your project or event.
  • 3. Include as much pertinent information with your application as possible.
  • 4. It is also required that you submit a completion report due within a year of receiving your funds

Which includes:

  • A financial statement of how sponsorship funding was spent (copies of receipts where applicable)
  • A copy, picture or link that shows WHC recognition for help with funding.
  • Pictures of completed projects (where applicable)
    See page 3 for an example of required information
  • 5. If your sponsorship is approved, it is required the WHC be recognized as a contributor to your event or project. 
  • For example –social media/web site recognition, hang a banner at your function, a sponsorship plaque, an article in the WHC newsletter, and if applicable have WHC mentioned during the announcements or in promotional materials.

A representative(s) from your organization may be asked to attend a WHC meeting to give a short presentation regarding the project or event that received funding.

If it is not possible to complete the project within the sponsorship year, you should prepare an interim report describing the components of the project completed to date and the expected completion date. A final report is required at the completion of the project.

*Those with previous incomplete sponsorships (including completion reports) will not be eligible for more funding until the obligation is met.

Application Deadline

Grant applications MUST BE POSTMARKED BY February 28 or September 30.
An organization may receive only one sponsorship per calendar year.

Applications are available online at www.wisconsinhorsecouncil.org
Click on Programs and then select Sponsorships  
Applications also may be requested by phone or in person from the WHC office in Columbus.

Mail completed applications to  or emailed to info@wisconsinhorsecouncil.org
Wisconsin Horse Council
Sponsorship Program
PO Box 72
Columbus, WI 53925

Questions may be directed to: 920-623-0393 or e-mail info@wisconsinhorsecouncil.org

How Funding Is Determined

Applications are analyzed and their merit assessed based upon the following criteria:
* Educational value
* Horse industry promotion value
* How many people it will reach
* Whether the project benefits youth
* Whether the money will be well spent
* The applicant’s access to other funding
* How well the project fits our mission statement

Examples of projects or events that have been funded:

  • Educational events
  • Therapeutic riding programs and horses
  • Building repairs to existing facilities
  • Travel expenses for clinicians and youth
  • Printed material such as brochures, flyers, and handouts
  • Clinics and seminars on various disciplines or other equine-related topics
  • Events that promote interaction with people and equines

Please be aware that we do not provide money for:

  • Normal operating expenses
  • Horse show judges
  • Awards
  • Food
  • Repairs to personal property
  • New building construction
  • Feed or hay

Completion Report *EXAMPLE* 

The ABC Riding Center would like to thank the Wisconsin Horse Council for the generous sponsorship of $1000 to purchase needed equipment for our program.  During the past year our organization has helped 50 new clients with special needs experience the joy of riding, and the health benefits of mobility.

Total Cost of equipment $1500.

We were able to purchase 2 specially equipped saddles for our students to ride safely and confidently, and additional needed equipment to allow riding.

Saddle # 1  16” short description             $500
Saddle # 2  14” youth saddle                 $500  
4 helmets @ $40                                  $160
2 therapeutic saddle pads @ $170          $340

Please see attached receipts for above purchases.

WHC Sponsorship Money                    $1000
Fund raising bake sale                          $ 500

Acknowledgement of the sponsorship included a thank you and link on our web site  www.abcriding.com  
We also included several mentions on our Facebook Page.
In the August WHC newsletter an article was submitted about our program.

Below are pictures of the saddles we were able to purchase.



Some of the organizations that have received Grant funding:

  • Wisconsin 4-H
  • Wisconsin High School Rodeo
  • Wisconsin Interscholastic Horse Association
  • Jefferson County Draft Horse Association
  • 4-H Harvesters Driving Drill Team
  • Three Gaits
  • S.M.I.L.E.S.
  • State Fair Mounted Police
  • Great Lakes Friesian Horse Association
  • Nature's Edge Therapy Center
  • Columbus Carriage Classic
  • Free Spirit Riders
  • Wisconsin Agribusiness
  • U.W. Madison Vet School
  • U.W. River Falls Equine Judging team

Top of page

Announcements and Notices


The WHC Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. However, the office will close at 10 a.m. on 10/11/24. Thank you!

WHC Calendar of Upcoming Events

Want to know what equine related events and activities are going on in your area? Please click on the heading above to access a list of up-coming events and a form that you can complete and send to us to have your equine related activity added to this new calendar!

WHC Classified Ads

Exclusively for Wisconsin Horse Council members........

We are offering FREE classified ads on our website and in the newsletter!

Legal Transportation of Horses Across State Lines

WHC would like to share this important information with you courtesy of TheHorse.com. Please click here to access this excellent article.

Attention All WHC Members

Important information for all WHC Members! Please click below to read the details.

Great News for WHC Members!

Did you know that if you are a member of the Wisconsin Horse Council (WHC), you are also eligible for the American Horse Council's (AHC) Advantage Plan?


Business Card Advertisements

Wisconsin Horse Council | P.O. Box 72 | 121 S. Ludington St. | Columbus, WI 53925
Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Phone: 920-623-0393 | E-mail: info@wisconsinhorsecouncil.org | Form login