Ride Wisconsin! WHC Trail Ride Drive Program Award Recipients

Awards Earned in 2017

Below are pictures of some of the Ride Wisconsin! Program members and the awards that they received at the Midwest Horse Fair in April 2018. Congratulations to all WHC Ride Wisconsin! award recipients for 2017!


Awards Earned in 2016

Below are pictures of some of the Ride Wisconsin! Program members and the awards that they received at the Midwest Horse Fair in April 2017.

L to R: Lori Gottsacker, Patty Wisneski, Sue List, Sharon Phimister, Gail Seasor and Sandy Misco

L to R: Sandy Misco, Carrie Quatsoe, Sharon Phimister and Sue List

Left: Jill Feller / Right: Carrie Quatsoe and Irene Petrik


Awards Earned in 2015

Below is a picture of some of the Ride Wisconsin! Program members and the awards that they received at the Midwest Horse Fair in April 2016.

Congratulations to the following Ride Wisconsin! Program members:

75 hours - Jane Beimal
150 hours - Linnea Clark – Lynn and Lorelia Haase
250 hours - Virginia Betts –Sue List – Jill Feller
500 hours - Katie Bachhuber – Jill Muthig – Donna Dochterman
750 hours - Sandy Misco
1000 hours - Lori Gottsacker – Patty Wisneski
2000 hours - Peggy Butler – Sharon Phimister – Pat Jenkins


Below are pictures of a few of the Ride Wisconsin! Program members and the awards that they have earned for 2015 and earlier.

At Left: Lorelai Haase - Youngest participant receives a sweatshirt from Patty Wisneski.
At Right: Sandy Misco - Receiving a sweatshirt from Patty Wisneski for 500 hours logged.

At Left: Lori Gottsacker - Receiving a hoodie from Patty Wisneski for 750 hours logged.
At Right: Sharon Phimister - Receiving a jacket from Patty Wisneski for 1500 hours logged.

At Left: Peggy Butler - Receiving a jacket from Patty Wisneski for 1500 hours logged.
At Right: Carrie Quatsoe - Receiving a sweatshirt from Patty Wisneski for 500 hours logged.


Awards Presented Prior to 2015

Sharon Phimister receiving an embroidered vest for 1250 hours. Sandy Misco and Sue List receiving tee shirts for 150 hours.

Jill Muthig received a cap for 250 hours.

Carol Reinhard receiving a cap for 250 hours.

Peggy Butler receiving a vest for 1250 hours.

Pat Jenkins receiving a jacket for 1500 hours.

Hi fellow Trail Riders:

I am Pat Jenkins and I call Sparta home. I have been an avid horseback rider for over 55 years. I have shown on the 4-H level, open show level, AQHA and PHBA levels. I hung up my show equipment a few years ago after deciding that I wanted to see fewer outdoor/indoor arenas and fairground facilities and more of the back country and woodlands and the wildlife that calls the great outdoors home. I had been a trail rider for years but the showing was interfering with my “fun”.

I have ridden in the ocean at Padre Island in Texas, the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, the Black Hills in South Dakota, the Ozarks in Missouri, Zumbro Bottoms, Forestville and Outback Ranch in Minnesota, Brushy Creek in Iowa and of course in our own beautiful state of Wisconsin. No matter where you have the opportunity to ride, it is great to be within easy driving dis-tance of Wild Cat Mountain and LaRiviere Park right here in Wisconsin.

By the time this is published, I will have been to the Grand Canyon/Phantom Ranch and Bryce Canyon National Park in Arizo-na and Zion National Park in Utah on a mule/horseback riding vacation.
I completed the AQHA 5000 Hour Award in 2012 and have started on the second 5000 hours. Since I was keeping track of hours for the AQHA Program, I decided to get involved with the WHC Ride/Drive Program, since I was already a member. I rode a number of different horses to complete the 5000 Hour Award.
In late August of 2013, I added a new horse to my small herd of buckskin geldings. Zhippin To The Bar was found at Shiocton and he has been just a great addition. He was not a finished horse but took to everything from a picket line to belly deep water and bees like a real trooper. He started out learning about hard work at Wild Cat Mountain and has now been to the Cross Country Ride in Eminence, Missouri. He was ridden in large groups and alone down there and never missed a beat. He’s never had an issue with anything from large groups of fast- gaited horses, traffic, airbrakes on the many semi tractors in the campground, to the swarms of mad bees that got tangled in his mane.
See you on the trails, ride safe and use good trail etiquette.

Happy Trails

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